By: Dr. Rachel Thomson, PTLA, DPT
If you’re looking for ways to stay connected while in Quarantine, here’s some new perspective for you!
Connection is the relationship created with oneself, others, places, things, and activities that stimulate a sense of belonging. We crave and thrive on connection, and quarantine has challenged this crucial part of our lives due to isolation. It is valid for one to have a sense of loneliness during this time. However, this solitude can provide fortitude- there are many opportunities to create and recreate connection in your life from your home, and I am going to share 5 ways you can do that.
1. Embrace your Boredom to promote and connect with your creativity- Last month, I listened to a TED Talk called How Boredom can lead to your Most Brilliant Ideas. Manoush Zomorodi discussed the role boredom plays in stimulating creativity. For simplicity, an example given was a woman that was bored and looking around her home decided her stairs were not just a means of transport from one part of her home to the other, but rather a way to exercise to improve strength, endurance, and overall health. So embrace your boredom and see where it leads you!
2. ZOOM in- Every week in quarantine, my extended family and family friends have had Friday Night Happy Hours. Arguably, these ZOOM parties have connected us more now than ever as we are all in different cities and even different states! We have dressed up for Prom, Pajama Day and even Halloween, while sharing the highlights of our week and chatting about the change we are seeing in the world. Despite not being physically present, I have felt more present within my family than I have in years because of ZOOM.
3. Get moving with an online challenge or class! – There are several free exercise classes like Zumba, dance, high-intensity interval training, and yoga available online to do alone or with friends from the comfort of home. Find a balance and hold yourself accountable to make daily habits that connect you with your health and wellness.
4. Stimulate your brain virtually- There are a variety of online games and apps available to play with friends. You can do a puzzle, play scrabble (Words with Friends, anyone?) or even my personal favorite, Drawful! These are great ways to spend time with others, smile and laugh while apart.
5. Journal- Take the time to reconnect with yourself and learn who you are. Writing is a meaningful and stimulating outlet to share one’s perspectives, thoughts, and feelings with others. Seek out inspiration or look within- you may find answers to loneliness that have always been!
So there you have it- a different perspective on connection during quarantine. I have missed the physical connection with others, but I think there is something to be said about the time we have been given to reconnect with ourselves and realize we are not alone. We are evolving and adapting to a new life, where you are not the person you were yesterday, and you will not be the same person tomorrow. But that’s the exciting part! That is a phrase I share with my patients daily because I want to acknowledge their journey and what a privilege it is to be a member of their support system and help guide them through these challenging times. The journey may not be easy, but if it were not challenging, we would never grow and connect in various ways.